
16例心力衰竭患儿的急诊抢救 被引量:2

摘要 目的:研究小儿心力衰竭的治疗是为了提高小儿心力衰竭的治疗水平.方法:16例不同病因所致的心力衰竭的抢救,以利尿剂,血管扩张剂,正性肌力药物治疗,监测血浆内纳肽(BNP)与心力衰竭治疗的变化.结果:16例小儿心力衰竭治疗有效率93.5%,病死率6.25﹪,血浆BNP与心功能变化前后比较p〈0.05,有显著性差异.结论:小儿心力衰竭首选利尿剂,血管扩张剂,正性肌力药物治疗,可降低病死率. Objective:Studies the young child heart failure the treatment is in order to enhance the young child heart failure the treatment level. Methods:16 example different cause of disease result heart failure rescue, by the diuretic, the blood vessel relaxant, the myo-- strength medicine treatment, in the monitor blood plasma accepts peptide (BNP) and the heart failure treatment change. Results: 16 example young child heart failure treatment effectiveness 93.5 %. Case fatality rate 6.25 &# 65130;. Blood plasma BNP and around the heart function change compares p〈0.05, has the significance difference. Conclusions:young child heart failure first choice diuretic, the blood vessel relaxant, the myo- strength medicine treatment, may reduce the case fatality rate.
出处 《医学信息(下旬刊)》 2011年第4期116-116,共1页 Medical information
关键词 小儿心衰 急诊抢救 young child heart fades emergency rescue
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