

Molecular Cloning and Preliminary Function Study of a Novel Human Gene LACE1
摘要 目的:构建人类新基因LACE1,同时对该基因进行初步的特性和功能研究。方法:通过生物信息学EST拼接技术,RT-PCR等技术,克隆出30个人类未知功能基因。利用RT-PCR技术对该基因的表达谱进行研究,同时结合绿色荧光蛋白与荧光显微镜对该蛋白的定位进行初步分析,并利用MTT初步分析该基因的功能。结果:成功克隆出30个未知功能的人类新基因,其中LACE1(Homo sapiens lactation elevated 1)是一个没有任何功能文献报道的新基因,通过生物信息学分析该基因NCBI:NM_145315.3,其cDNA全长为2 262bp,有13个外显子和12个内含子组成,主要定位于人6号染色体,该基因定位于细胞质中,MTT结果显示该基因能明显抑制细胞增值。结论:人类新基因LACE1是一个抑制细胞增值的相对保守的人类新基因。 Objective: To study the function of novel human genes LACE1.Method:30 unknown homo genes was cloned by bioinformatics techniques EST-splicing RT-PCR in our lab of which the new human gene LACE1(Homo sapiens lactation elevated 1) is not reported in the literature of new genes.RT-PCR technique was used to study the gene table Dapp.At the same time the green fluorescent protein and fluorescence microscopy was combined with to analysis the localization of the protein preliminarily.Result: It's cDNA length of 2 262bp and has 13 exons and 12 introns,localized in human chromosome 6 by using bioinformatics to analysis the gene NCBI:NM_145315.3.The gene located in the cytoplasm and the MTT revealed that the genes LACE1 could inhibit cell activity.Conclusion:The results preliminary show that the new human gene LACE1 is a relatively conservative human genes with important functions.
出处 《生物技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期1-7,共7页 Biotechnology
关键词 新基因 LACE1 基因克隆 RT-PCR 绿色荧光蛋白 new gene LACE1 gene cloning RT-PCR GFP
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