
美国循证实践在自闭症谱系障碍儿童干预中的应用及其对我国的启示 被引量:21

Application of Evidence-based Practice in Intervention for the Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in America and Its Enlightenment to Intervention for the Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in China
摘要 国际趋势表明自闭症谱系障碍儿童干预方法的有效性需循证实践来检验。美国自闭症干预方法的循证实践过程经历了研究文献筛选、建立证据强度分类系统、干预次级分类系统三个阶段,循证实践结果将当前的自闭症干预方法划分为已经证实有效的方法、正在形成有效的方法、尚未证实的方法。我国自闭症教育研究者及临床工作者应遵循循证实践,科学选择干预方法。 Abstract New international trends show that the effect of intervention for children with autism spectrum disorder needs evidence-based practice. This article analyzes the evidence-based practice of intervention method for the children with autism spectrum disorder. The result shows that the procedure of evidence-based practice for ASD experiences three phases: screening the research paper,forming strength of evidence classification system and treatment sub-classification. And the outcomes of evidence-based practice for ASD intervention are categorized into established,emerging,unestablished treatment. Our country's researchers and clinic practitioners of autism spectrum disorders should follow the evidence-based practice and choose interventional methods scientifically.
作者 魏寿洪 王雁
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期15-19,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 北京师范大学教育学部博士生资助项目成果
关键词 自闭症谱系障碍 教育干预 循证实践 有益启示 autism spectrum disorder intervention evidence-based practice
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