In this paper, using solution of TGA ( Thiologlycolic Acid ) in 5%. 0.5%, 0.05% respecti vely by smearing on skin of 45 rats once a week, for 90 days, we observed pathological and ultrastructural ehanges in testes and ovaries.The results showed TGA could cause toxic lesion of testes and ovaries,and there was a cer tain relation of dose-effect between TGA and lesion. The seminiferous tubules of testes arrange disorder, tubelous cavity was unequal, germinal epithelium laminae thinned and apermatids were absent under microscope. By ultrastructurally, there were a decrease in mitochondria and the mitochondria swelling, vaculated and disintegration with endoplasmic reticular expansive and lysosome increased. The granulosa cells of follicle in ovaries vaculated and degradalated were observed as well as.
Journal of Health Toxicology