
顾客口碑传播网络的结构与特性 被引量:4

Structure and specialty of customers' word-of-mouth communication network
摘要 以社会网络分析方法为基本手段,以大学生群体为代表对顾客口碑传播网络的结构开展研究,发现顾客口碑传播网络是一个密度较低的稀疏的网络,在网络中存在着规模较小的子群。根据对节点中心度的分析,定义了顾客口碑传播网络中的"意见领袖"、子群链结者和积极的口碑传播者3类特殊人物。以对顾客口碑传播网络结构分析的结果为基础,提出了企业开展口碑营销的对策。 The structure of customers' word-of-mouth communication network is analyzed by taking under graduated students as studying objective in using the analysis methods of social network.It is proved that the customers' word-of-mouth communication net work is a sparse network with relatively lower density and there are many subgroups with relatively small size.Three special groups,named as opinion leader,linker of subgroup and active word disseminator,are identified according to the analysis of the point centrality of the node and the network.Also some countermeasures are suggested based on the results generated from the analysis of the structure of customers' word-of-mouth communication network.
出处 《科技与管理》 2011年第3期113-117,共5页 Science-Technology and Management
基金 黑龙江省教育厅人文社会重点研究项目(11532z002) 黑龙江省社会科学基金项目(06D066)
关键词 顾客口碑 顾客口碑传播网络 口碑营销 社会网络 customer word-of-mouth customer word-of-mouth communication network word-of-mouth marketing social network
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