利用1980~2009年MICAPS常规资料、Tlop图、红河州24小时雨量等资料对造成红河州强降雨的南支槽过程进行统计分析。分析结果表明:造成红河州强降雨的南支槽主要出现在10月至翌年5月,其中11月份南支槽造成红河州大范围强降雨的频率较高。南支槽影响红河州时,红河州中部及南部县市出现强降雨的频率高,最高在红河州的南部,北部县市出现强降雨频率较低。深南支槽与700 hPa急流配合,浅南支槽东移与700 hPa切变线配合,或与南海高压配合,易造成红河州全州性强降雨。
This paper uses the MICAPS general materials of 1980-2009,Tlop picture,the 24 hours rainfall of Honghe Prefecture,to take a statistical analysis to the South conditioner,which causeed the torrential rains in Honghe Prefecture.The analytical results suggest that South conditioner which caused the torrential rain in Honghe Prefecture will appear on October to the May of next year,and this kind of torrential rain will become more often on November.When the South conditioner affect Honghe prefecture,The torrential rainfall frequentness in middle and south counties and towns will be higher,and the highest frequentness of torrential rainfall will eppear in the south,the lower in the nouth of Honghe prefecture.The strong South conditioner going with the 700 hPa jet flow,the week South conditioner which move to the east going with the shear line 700 hPa,or going with the south china sea high,usually can cause the torrential rain of the whole prefecture.
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research
South conditioner
Honghe Prefecture
torrential rain