
不同授粉方法对百合不同杂交组合结实的影响 被引量:4

Effects of Different Pollination Methods on Compatibility of Different Hybrid Combinations in Lilies
摘要 采用常规柱头授粉、切割花柱授粉和柱头涂抹0.1%NAA 3种授粉方法,以4个杂种系的品种和3个野生种为材料,分别进行系内、系间杂交试验,旨在研究不同授粉方法对百合不同杂交组合结实情况的影响。试验结果表明:在系内杂交试验中,采用常规柱头授粉方法对东方百合系内不同杂交组合的效果最好,14个杂交组合中,尤其以杂交组合Pink Expression(O1)×Rain Dance(O8)的结实率最高,其子房膨大率、蒴果结实率和种子有胚率分别为86.36%,72.73%和32.08%。在系间杂交试验中,切割花柱授粉并非都能提高结实率,在有些组合中,切割花柱授粉方法不仅不能克服其杂交障碍,反而降低其结实率,如对于组合Shocking(OT3)×Cocar D’Or(O4),采用切割花柱授粉方法使蒴果结实率从66.67%降低到50%,降低了16.67%。在以野生百合为父本的远缘杂交试验中,组合Bonsoir(LA5)×L.pumilum(W2)采用柱头涂抹0.1%NAA授粉方法结实率最高,其蒴果结实率和种子有胚率分别为77.78%和10.85%。 Four hybrids and three wild species of lily were used to study the effects of different pollination methods on the seed setting rate of different hybrid combinations.The experiment carried out intraspecific crosses and interspecific crosses by using three kinds of pollination methods,including conventional stigma pollination method,cut-style pollination method,and stigma pollination smear 0.1% NAA.The results showed that: in the intraspecific crosses,there was the heighest effect to the different hybrid combinations in the Oriental lily hybrids by the conventional stigma pollination method.Especially about the combination Pink Expression(O1)×Rain Dance(O8),its compatibility was the best in all of 14 combinations,and its swelling rate of the capsules,seed setting rate of the fruits and percentage of seeds with embryo were 86.36%,72.73% and 32.08%,respectively.In interspecific crosses,cut-style pollination could not increase the seed setting rate of all the combinations,and in some of them,cut-style pollination method not only could not overcome their barriers to cross,but reducing their seed setting rate,such as the combination of Shocking(OT3)×Cocar D'Or(O4),cut style pollination method makes seed setting rate of the fruits decreased from 66.67% to 50%,a 16.67% lower.In the intraspecific hybridization by taking wild lily as male parents,there was the best setting rate of the seeds to the combination of Bonsoir(LA5)×L.pumilum(W2) by pollination method with the treatments of 0.1%NAA,its seed setting rate of the fruits and percentage of seeds with embryo were 77.78% and 10.85%,respectively,were the highest in various combinations.
出处 《北京农学院学报》 2011年第2期35-40,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Agriculture
基金 北京市园林绿化局项目(Y1HH200600101)
关键词 百合 常规柱头授粉法 切割花柱授粉法 柱头涂抹0.1%NAA授粉法 结实率 lilium conventional stigma pollination method cut-style pollination method stigma smearing 0.1% NAA pollination method seed setting rate of the fruits
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