
基于LCIA的内河航运“绿色度”综合评价 被引量:2

Comprehensive evaluation of green degree of inland navigation based on LCIA
摘要 内河航运具有运能大、占地少、能耗低、污染轻和成本低等优势,是典型的低碳运输方式。为更科学地评价内河航运的绿色性能,采用生命周期影响评价(LCIA)方法对内河航运各阶段的输入、输出清单进行分析,建立内河航运绿色度综合评价指标体系和阶梯层次结构模型;运用模糊层次法,量化分析所建指标,并采用线性加权和法计算绿色度综合评价值。结果显示,内河航运具有一定的绿色性,但与我国低碳社会建设的要求尚有距离,进一步从其基本属性和环境属性提出改进措施。 As a typical low-carbon transportation mode,inland navigation needs less land,produces less pollution,consumes less energy but carries more goods.In order to scientifically evaluate green performance of inland navigation,using the method of LCIA to analyse input and output inventories,the paper constructs the green degree evaluation index system of inland navigation,quantifies the indices with fuzzy analytic hierarchy process(F-AHP),and uses linear weighted sum method to calculate the final comprehensive evaluation.The results show that inland navigation has some green properties,but can't meet the requirement of China's low-carbon society,so the paper puts forward some advanced measures based on the basic attribute and environment attribute.
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2011年第5期111-115,共5页 Port & Waterway Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(50909042)
关键词 内河航运 LCIA 绿色度 模糊层次分析法 inland navigation LCIA green degree fuzzy analytic hierarchy process
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