目的 通过分析先天性束带综合征患儿的临床治疗及效果,进一步明确该疾病的治疗方法.方法 回顾性分析1998年4月至2008年7月,我科收治的先天性束带综合征并获得随访的12例患儿,其中男6例,女6例,患儿平均年龄1岁4个月.其中5例为仅发生在小腿的束带综合征,其余7例为两个部位以上的束带综合征.全部患儿均通过两次手术对环状束带进行松解,手术方式为"Z"字松解,并对比所有患儿的术前及术后的体位相.结果 在所有治疗病例中,无一例发生远端肢体的缺血坏死,所有患儿术后环状束带均得以彻底松解,且肢体外观恢复正常,肢体的发育也没有受到损害.结论 先天性束带综合征是儿童常见的先天畸形,如不予治疗将对远端的肢体外观和发育产生不利影响,早期手术干预能有效的消除畸形,并让受累肢体正常发育.
Objective We reviewed the treatment and results the congenital constriction bands. Methods We carried out a retrospective study of 12 patients who were admitted between April 1998 to July 2008 into our institution with congenital constriction band. There were 6 boys and,6 girls. The average age was 1 year 4 months. All of the patients underwent two stages release with "Z" release. Results All the constriction bands have been released completely. All affected limbs resumed normal appearance. There was no further injury and necrosis. Conclusions Early surgical treatment by two stage release can eliminate the abnormal appearance effectively, and allow the affected limbs to grow normally.
Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery