
开放网络环境下分布式动态频谱分配算法 被引量:1

Distributed and Dynamic Spectrum Allocation in Unlicensed Band Networks
摘要 为了提升开放网络的通信效率、增加网络容量,研究了采用不同通信协议时无线设备的共存问题,提出一种基于开放网络的分布式动态频谱分配算法.该算法通过按轮次调整各个通信对端所使用的信道,将不同设备占用的工作信道均匀地分布于开放网络频谱的各个部分,提升了开放网络的总体容量.同时,探测指数的使用降低了算法运行的通信开销以及控制信令对邻居域内数据传输带来的干扰.仿真实验表明,该分配算法提升了网络整体工作效率,并从一定程度上保证了不同通信对端之间传输性能的公平性. Wireless devices using different communication protocols share the same unlicensed frequency band.The communication frequency is overlapped between different transmission pairs.Thus,the transmission pairs interfere with each other.In order to achieve better communication efficiency and network capacity,coexistence of multiple devices using different protocols is studied in this paper.All communication pairs should do the attitude cooperation when developing the media access control strategy.In the unlicensed band environments,we propose a distributed and dynamic algorithm for the spectrum allocation.This algorithm randomly allocates spectrum to the wireless devices with different protocols.And the communication pairs update their operating channel in each timeline round.Finally,it can make the different devices distributed uniformly in all parts of the unlicensed spectrum.By fully utilizing wireless resources,the unlicensed band network capacity improves accordingly.In addition,the term'scanning factor' is presented in the paper,which leads to lower communication overhead of the algorithm.Moreover,the reduced control frames can decrease the communication interference between neighbor transmission pairs.In the end,simulation results show that this algorithm can dramatically improve the overall efficiency of network capacity.Furthermore,it guarantees end to end fairness between different transmission pairs to a certain extent.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期746-755,共10页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(60673172) 中国科学院研究生创新基金项目(2009)
关键词 开放网络 频谱分配 分布式算法 共存 公平性 unlicensed band network spectrum allocation distributed algorithm coexistence fairness
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