
杜甫《郑驸马池台喜遇郑广文同饮》考论 被引量:1

On Du Fu's Zhengfuma chitai xiyu zheng Guangwen Tongyin
摘要 杜甫《郑驸马池台喜遇郑广文同饮》应作于乾元元年初,郭知达、仇兆鳌所作的推断有误。新出土之郑虔墓志与杜诗参证,杜诗不称郑虔最高官职,缘于战乱前杜甫可能无法得知此事,故仍以旧职相称,这又可佐证本诗作于乱后初次相逢之时。杜甫以苏武之事为郑虔降贼辩白,又于诗中表达了伤感情绪,是因为郑家是杜甫离政治中心最近的地方,也是其仕宦希望所在。其文才曾得到郑氏赏识。但是,在乱后,郑家与杜甫都因属玄宗旧人,而遭肃宗冷落与打击,故杜甫对前途颇为失望与伤感。 The time for Du Fu to write Zhengfuma chitai xiyu zheng Guangwen Tongyin poem should be at the beginning of Qianyuan and the view of Guo Zhida and Qiu Zhaoao being incorrectly since the term ".yanji meiwu" refers to the death of An Lushan and the failure of the rebels and the Tang officials made a process of the treatment for the surrender generals of an amnesty, incoming gap, and punishment by the records in Zizhi Tongjian and Jiu Tangshu. By comparing with the newly found inscription of Zheng Qian, the highest official title was not used in Du Fu's poem because Du Fu might not know his new title before the war, it was stiU used his old title, which can be an evidence of the poem to be written at the time of their initial meet after the war. Du Fu used Su Wu's story to defend Zheng Qian's surrendering and he also expressed his sad emotions in the poem because Cheng's family was the nearest place of the political center for Du Fu and his hope for his official career. His literary talent has been appreciated by Zheng. However, after the war, the Zheng family and Du Fu himself were the old people of Emperor Xuanzong reign, who were left out and attacked by Emperor Suzong, Du Fu was quite disappointed and sad about his future. It can deepen the understanding of poem to reconstruct a solid three-dimerksional reading space with the proposed combination of empirical structure.
作者 查屏球
机构地区 复旦大学中文系
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期72-77,共6页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 降官处理 误称官职 郑杜关系 玄宗旧臣 Punishment for the Surrendering Officials Error official Title The Relationship between Zheng Qian and Du Fu Former Ministers of Emperor Xuanzong
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  • 2司马光.《资治通鉴》卷二一八,北京:中华书局,1956年.
  • 3司马光.《资治通鉴》卷二二〇,北京:中华书局,1956年.
  • 4黄希原、黄鹤撰.《补注杜》卷一九,文渊阁四库全书本.
  • 5仇兆鳌.《杜诗详注》卷五,北京:中华书局,1979年,第345页.
  • 6刘昫.《旧唐书》卷一五〇,北京:中华书局,1975年.
  • 7洪迈.《容斋随笔》,上海:上海古籍出版社1978年版,第330页.
  • 8宋祁、欧阳修.《新唐书》卷二二五上,北京:中华书局,1975年.
  • 9王溥.《唐会要》卷六六,上海:上海古籍出版社,1991年,第1375页.
  • 10王谠撰、周勋初校笺.《唐语林校笺》卷二,北京:中华书局,1987年,第120页.











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