以NiCr箔、Cr2C3粉、Ti粉、C粉等为原料自制了焊条,利用氩弧熔覆的方法在16Mn钢上制备了Ni-Ti-Cr-C系熔覆层,研究了熔覆层的相组成、组织结构、成分分布和断面显微硬度的分布。对熔覆层进行了冲蚀磨损实验,并对比了在不同温度、攻角条件下,熔覆层与16Mn钢、高铬铸铁材料的冲蚀性能。结果表明:熔覆层由Ni基固溶体、TiC和Cr23C6等高硬质相组成,最高显微硬度在1 900HV以上,与基体形成了冶金结合,其抗冲蚀性能远高于排粉机叶轮叶片的本体材料——16Mn钢,可用于排粉机叶轮叶片的延寿。
With the row material of NiCr foil,Cr3C2 powder,Ti powder,C powder and by the method of TIG, the Ni-Ti-Cr-C compound welding surface was prepared and bonded on the 16 Mn steel. The phase structure, microscopic organization, component distribution and the distribtion of fracture surface microhardness were studied. The welding coating was studied by erosion wear test. With different temperature, angle of attack in the erosion experiments, the e rosion capability of the Ni-Ti Cr-C compound welding surface, 16Mn steel and high-chromium cast iron ball were corn pared. The result shows that the compose tissue of Ni Ti-Cr C compound welding surface is composed by Ni-based sosoloid, TiC and Cr23C6 enhanced phase, and its hardness is beyond 1 900 HV. It is inferenced that welding surface and the base are metallurgical bonding. The erosion capability of Ni-Ti Cr-C compound welding surface is better than prima ry material of the blade of mill fan, so that the Ni-Ti-Cr-C compound welding surface can improves the life of mill fan.
Surface Technology