
热浸镀Zn11Al3Mg0.2Si合金镀层微观组织实验研究 被引量:16

The Experiment Research of Microstructure of Hot-dip Galvanized Zn11Al3Mg0.2Si Alloy Coating
摘要 主要研究了热浸镀Zn11Al3Mg0.2Si合金镀层的微观结构及组织特征,利用扫描电镜SEM及其能谱附件EDX观察分析了锌铝镁镀层表面以及截面的微观结构、合金层的形貌、镀层中各相的成分组成,利用辉光放电发射光谱仪GD-OES分析了镀层中各元素沿深度方向的分布,利用电子探针EPMA分析了镀层中各元素的分布,利用X-射线衍射仪分析了镀层的相组成。结果表明:镀层中各元素沿镀层的深度方向呈现不均匀分布,Mg元素在镀层表面严重富集,镀层组织呈现多相混合结构,以MgZn2和Zn共晶为主,同时存在块状锌以及一层较薄的合金层。 The microstructure and characteristic of hot-dipped Zn-Al-Mg coating steel strip were investigated. By SEM and EDX, the surface and cross sectional microstructure of Zn-Al Mg coating and the chemical competition and the morphology of alloy layer were analyzed. GD-OES was used to analyze elements distribution in the depth direction of coating. EPMA was used to analyze the elements distribution in coating. X ray diffraction instrument was used to study the phases composition of coating. It is proved that the composition elements distribution is uneven in the depth direction in coating, and magnesium is enriched in coating surface. Coating structure takes on multiphase commix, MgZn2 and pure Zinc binary eutectic are the main phase and at the same time there are some zinc-rich nubby phase and a filmy alloy layer.
出处 《表面技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期32-35,共4页 Surface Technology
关键词 热浸镀 Zn11Al3Mg0.2Si合金镀层 GD—OES EPMA 镀层微观组织 galvanizing Zn-Al-Mg alloy coating EPMA GD-OES coating microstrueture
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