以录波仪+ 微机为基础的便携式电量记录测试系统,在微机中实现录波仪的通信控制、数据传输、数据计算分析、曲线和表格的显示打印。整个软件系统的设计采用面向对象技术,对端口直接读写,有效封装 D O S 通信代码,缩短了开发周期。在数据计算分析上,利用频率跟踪技术对 F F T 算法实施改进,能准确地计算录波数据的瞬时值、有效值、相位角、频率以及 P、 Q、 S、功率因数等。实际应用表明,波形分析系统工作稳定,操作简单,能适应电力系统各种应用场所,可大大提高科研、生产及试验工作效率。
The wave recorder and micro computer based portable electricity recording and testing system may realize communication control,data transmission and processing, curve and table displaying and printing.The whole system is designed to write and read LPTX port directly and to encapsulate effectively DOS code based on OOP techniques, thus shortens development period. The FFT algorithm has been further improved by tracing various signal frequencies. There fore, it can calculate precisely the instant and RMS value, phase angle, frequency and P,Q,S powr factors of wave data. The practice shows that the system is simple and reliable in operation and suitable to different applications.
Electric Power