

Simulation of Target Echo in the Shallow-water Waveguide
摘要 从物理声学的角度出发,利用Ingenito的本征函数展开法对浅海波导中的目标回波波形进行建模,把目标散射场表示为简正波系数和该目标平面波散射函数积的叠加,然后将发射信号的频谱与目标散射场函数相乘再求其逆变换,由此得到目标回波波形的时域表示,给出了两类发射信号在典型浅海波导下的目标回波仿真波形;水池实验验证了计算机仿真结果,从而证明提出的浅海波导目标回波模型是可行的,可用于预报浅海环境参数对接收波形的影响。 Based on Ingenio's normal mode method,a model for calculating echo waveform in the shallow-water waveguide was proposed.The target scattering function was expressed in terms of normal modes and plane-wave scattering function.Then by multiplying the target scattering function with the spectral response of the transmitting signal,the time series of the echo could be finally got.Sample numerical simulations were given for rigid sphere object in three cases typical of shallow-water environments.Experiment results show that the waveform envelopes collected in an anechoic pool are much similar to the simulated ones which prove that the model derived is advisable.The model can be used to predicting the affection of ocean environments parameters to the echo waveforms in the shallow-water.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期1205-1209,1243,共6页 Journal of System Simulation
基金 "十一五"装备预研基金资助(4010703010102)
关键词 浅海波导 散射函数 简正波 目标回波 仿真 shallow-water wave guide scattering function normal mode target echo simulation
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