介绍韶钢在6 m焦炉项目中采用创新型工艺总图布置,用地指标大幅度降低,整个焦化区域(180万t焦化厂)用地指标只有国家标准的48%,并且6 m焦炉项目(年产110万t焦炭)用地指标只有国家标准的36%,节约了大量土地资源,具有很强的推广价值.
A new general layout for the 6m coke oven project at SISG is presented in the article. A significant reduction in land use for the 1.8. million tons coking plant was realized. For example, the land practically used for the entire project was only 48%of the State-allocated one, and the land used for the 6m coke oven site with an annual output of 1.1 million tons of coke amounted for only 36%of the national standard, thus saving a lot of land resources.
Southern Metals