
广州市乙型病毒性肝炎住院患者经济负担分析 被引量:3

Investigation and analysis on the financial burden to hepatitis B in-patients in Guangzhou
摘要 目的评价广州市乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)住院患者不同人群(广州籍人口和外来人口)疾病经济负担,探索其影响因素。方法自行设计问卷调查患者疾病负担相关情况,采用多因素回归分析其影响因素。结果 305例病人中,广州籍患者年例均负担为36 980.0元,人均直接经济负担、间接负担分别为33 724.6元、3 255.4元。外来人口患者年例均负担为41 657.7元,人均直接经济负担、间接经济负担分别为39 840.6元、1 817.1元。影响广州籍患者经济负担的因素有户口性质、个人月均收入、抗病毒药物使用情况以及病情进展。病情进展及住院天数是影响外来人口经济负担的主要因素。结论针对不同人群做好预防工作可有效减轻乙肝患者经济负担。 Objective To explore the influence factors by investigating the financial burden to hepatitis B in- patients ( natives and non-natives) in Guangzhou. Methods Self-designed questionnaire was used to survey the influence factors of finacial burden to hepatitis B inpatients, and data were analyzed using multiple regression. Results 305 cases were investigated . To patients from native Guangzhou , the average finacial burden was ¥36980. 0, among which the direct and indirect finacial burden were ¥ 33724. 6, and ¥3255.4. separately,while to non-natives, the average finacial burden was ¥41657.7, and the direct and the indirect were ¥39840. 6, and ¥1817. 1 respectively. The results showed that the major risks of finacial burden was residency, personal income, the progress of disease and the use of antiviral drugs. Disease progression and days in hospital were the main factors to non-natives. Conclusions direct finacial burden was the key issue to HBV in-patients, and prevention of the disease among different populations can effectively reduce finacial burden.
出处 《广东药学院学报》 CAS 2011年第2期195-198,共4页 Academic Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy
基金 "十一五"国家科技重大专项(2008ZX10002-001)
关键词 乙型病毒性肝炎 住院患者 经济负担 hepatitis B virus hospitalized patients economic burden
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