
业务过程模型的Petri网形式化检查方法 被引量:6

Formal verification of business process models using Petri nets
摘要 为解决企业间业务协同模型形式化检查的问题,将采用标准业务过程建模符号的业务模型转换为Pe-tri网,构造出一种可建模企业间复杂业务协同的业务过程流网。采用过程定义可扩展标记语言2.1版本,开发了一种具有通用性的业务过程模型转换和检查工具。采用业务过程流网对供应链中企业间采购订单过程进行了建模。实验结果表明,业务过程流网能将符合过程定义可扩展标记语言规范的业务模型完整地转换为Petri网,得到的Petri网易于化简和分析。 To resolve the formal checking of business collaboration model cross enterprises, a special Petri net named Business Process Flow net (BPF-net) was constructed to transform business process modeled by Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) into Petri nets. With the use of eXtensiblc Markup Language (XML) Process Definition Language (XPDL) 2.1 version, a universal tool was also developed to convert and check business process model. An inter-organizational order process in supply chain was modeled by using of BPF-net. Experimental results showed that BPF-net could transform the bueiness model which met the XPDL specifications into Petri net, and easy tn be simnlifiect nnrl ~nMvzed
出处 《计算机集成制造系统》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1110-1119,共10页 Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2007AA040801)~~
关键词 企业间协同 业务建模 模型检查 业务过程建模符号 可扩展标记语言 PETRI网 inter-organizational collaboration business modeling model checking business process modeling nota-tion extensible markup language Petri nets
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