
粒子群算法的航天器初始轨道优化模型 被引量:2

An optimizing model of initial orbit of spacecraft using PSO
摘要 为提高航天器发射段的初始轨道确定精度,及时精确地进行早期轨道段的测控,满足航天器用户的需求,提出一种基于粒子群优化算法的航天器初始轨道确定方法,将各种冗余备份设备的测量数据及测量精度等作为航天器初始轨道确定的输入元素,建立优化算法模型,以粒子群算法确定最优轨道.实验结果表明:大量实时冗余备份的不同测量精度、不同测量体制的测量设备数据对于提高初始轨道精度具有重要意义,以此算法进行轨道确定将大大提高定轨精度.此算法实时、准确,不仅可以用于初始轨道确定,还可广泛用于航天器运行段的轨道改进. To improve the precision of initial orbit of spacecraft in launching phase,to execute timely and accurate TT&C in early orbit phase,and to meet the need of the users,this paper puts forward an initial orbit determination method which regards measurement datum and precision of all kinds of redundant and backup equipments as the input parameters of the optimization model and determines the optimized orbit based on Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) method.The result indicates that it is significant to improve the precision of initial orbit of spacecraft by using a number of measurement data and the precision of different redundant and backup equipments.This algorithm is proved to be accurate and effective,and can be used both in the initial orbit determination and in the spacecraft orbit optimization in operational phase.
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期144-148,共5页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology
关键词 航天器 轨道确定 测量误差 粒子群优化算法 spacecraft orbit determination measuring errors particle swarm optimization
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