
星载SAR的噪声干扰分析 被引量:2

Noise Jamming Analysis of Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar
摘要 由于在星载SAR干扰功率计算中,采用传统的雷达干扰方程很难得到某些参数,因此计算结果可能不合理。根据星载SAR的成像原理和噪声干扰机理,从定性和定量两个方面分析了对星载SAR实施噪声干扰的可行性。在不考虑成像算法及传输损耗的影响下,提出了与星载SAR的方位、距离分辨率及其运行轨道等参数有关的干扰方程,分析了与传统干扰方程的不同及影响因素。依据星载SAR系统波位设计原理,分析了雷达天线端口及其接收机通道的信干比变化,并进行了仿真、计算。研究结果适用于星载SAR干扰的工程设计及计算。 In the process of calculating jamming power about spaceborne synthetic aperture radar(SAR) using the tranditional radar jamming equation,the result about signal-to-noise ratio(SNR) and signal-to-jamming ratio(SJR) is irrational,because certain parameters about spaceborne SAR can be hardly obtained.Based on the work principle of spaceborne SAR and noise jamming,the jamming of feasibility to spaceborne SAR from qualitative and quantitative ways is analyzed,the radar jamming equation related to the azimuth and the distance resolution,as well as the satellite orbit parameters is presented,and the difference between the traditional SAR jamming equation and the influencing factors is studied,without considering the influence of the image algorithm and the transmission loss.Besed on the principle of the wave-position deign about spaceborne SAR,changes of SJR at SAR antenna and its receiver output port are analyzed and calculated.The result can apply to the engage engineer design and calculation of spaceborne SAR jamming.
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期314-319,共6页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
关键词 星载合成孔径雷达 噪声干扰 信干比 信噪比 spaceborne synthetic aperture radar noise jamming signal-to-jamming ratio(SJR) signal-noise-ratio(SNR)
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