
间接同步连续采样模式双基地ISAR时间同步仿真 被引量:2

Modeling and Simulation on Time Synchronization of Indirect Synchronization Continuous Sampling Mode Bistatic ISAR
摘要 研究了间接同步连续采样模式下双基地ISAR的时间同步问题。首先分析了双基地ISAR时间系统的特点,建立了间接同步连续采样模式双基地ISAR的时间模型,将其表示为由快时间、慢时间、时间同步误差描述的时间结构。基于该模型,分析了连续采样对双基地ISAR成像的影响,研究了时钟非理想因素对回波相位及成像的影响,并进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,间接同步连续采样不影响回波二维压缩,有较高的时钟非理想因素容限,可以较好地解决双基地ISAR的时间同步问题。 The time synchronization problems of bistatic ISAR using indirect time synchronization continuous sampling mode is studied.Firstly,the characteristics of the time system in bistatic ISAR are analyzed.Then,the time model of bistatic ISAR using indirect time synchronization continuous sampling mode is established.The model depicts the time system of bistatic ISAR using fast time,slow time and time synchronization error respectively.Based on the time model,the effect of continuous sampling on bistatic ISAR imaging is discussed.The influences of the non-ideal clock to the echo phase and to the ISAR imaging is also analyzed.Finally,the simulations of bistatic ISAR imaging with different time synchronization mode are carried out.The simulations indicate that the indirect synchronization continuous sampling mode has little adverse effect on ISAR imaging,and is highly tolerant to the non-ideal clock.It is proved that such synchronization mode can solve the time synchronization problem of bistatic ISAR effectively.
出处 《数据采集与处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期347-355,共9页 Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("八六三"计划)(2008AA0194)资助项目
关键词 逆合成孔径雷达 双基地 时间同步 连续采样 间接同步 ISAR bistate time synchronization continuous sampling indirect synchronization
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