
颈椎柔性稳定一体化系统对维持犬颈椎间隙高度作用的研究 被引量:1

Experimental study of the flexible stabilization devices in maintaining the height of the intervertebral space of cervical vertebra
摘要 目的评估人工髓核柔性稳定一体化系统对维持犬颈椎椎间隙高度的作用。方法选择健康杂种犬40只,分成4个试验组:完整组(A组)、颈椎间盘病变组(B组)、钢板内固定组(C组)、柔性稳定组(D组)。颈椎间盘病变组(B组)、钢板内固定组(C组)和柔性稳定组(D组)分别经前路行C3/4髓核摘除术、钢板内固定术、柔性稳定一体化系统植入手术。术后3个月复查平片,同时处死动物,取标本施加0N和100N轴向载荷下测量椎间隙高度变化。结果柔性稳定组同完整组相比较,椎间隙高度变化接近生理状态。结论植入人工髓核柔性稳定一体化系统更符合生理状态。 Objective To evaluate the mechanical functions of anterior spine instrumentation system combing prosthetic disc nucleus with flexible stabilization devices in maintaining the height of the intervertebral space of cervical vertebra.Methods Forty healthy dogs were included and divided into 4 groups,group A(normal group),group B(cervical intervertebral disc diseases group),group C(plate internal fixation group),and group D(flexible stabilization devices group).Dogs in group B,group C,and group D were treated by resection of nucleus pulposus,plate internal fixation,and flexible stabilization devices implantation respectively.All dogs were killed 3 months after operation.A three-dimensional movement device,with the minimum and maximum loading of 0N and 100N,was used to test the height change of intervertebral space.Results From this study,it could be shown that the device can restore the disc height after operation.Conclusion The anterior spine instrumentation system combing prosthetic disc nucleus with flexible stabilization devices conform to physiological station.
出处 《创伤外科杂志》 2011年第3期241-243,共3页 Journal of Traumatic Surgery
关键词 颈椎损伤 颈椎间盘突出症 柔性稳定系统 生物力学 cervical spine injury cervical disc herniation flexible stabilization devices biomechanics
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