目的观察损伤局部使用Rho抑制剂对脊髓损伤后小鼠轴突再生和神经功能恢复的作用。方法 92只昆明小鼠分为4组做脊髓半切模型,对照组(20只)和3个实验组(每组24只)分别予以法舒地尔(Fasudil)、Y27632、胞外酶C3进行干预,术后第1、3、7、14、21、28天使用BBB评分法评估下肢运动功能。同时术后7、14、21、28天处死,取损伤节段下游脊髓冰冻切片免疫组织化学方法观察GAP43蛋白表达变化。结果前3周实验组下肢运动功能BBB评分均高于对照组,伤后实验组脊髓损伤节段下游生长相关蛋白-43(GAP43)的表达高于对照组。结论 Rho抑制剂可促进脊髓损伤的恢复,其机制尚需要进一步研究证实。
Objective To observe the effect of Rho/ROCK inhibitor on recovery of neurological function and regeneration of axon in rats with spinal injury. Methods Spinal hemisection model was made and 92 Kunming rats were divided into 4 groups, including 1 control group ( n = 20 ) and 3 experimental groups ( n = 24 ). Fasudil, Y27632 or C3 with fibrin glue system were used for intervention, and BBB scales were used to assess hindlimb neurological function at the 1st, 3rd, 7th,14th, 21st, 28th day. Rats were sacrificed at the lst,2nd,3rd,4th week after injury. Serial longitudinal eryostat sections of spinal cord were cut at 301~m, and GAP-43 was observed with im- munohistochemistry. Results The BBB score system indicated motor function in the experimental groups in the first week higher than that of the control group. Recovery of the function in the experimental group, which was treated with Rho inhibitors,was more rapid than others,and their average optical density was higher than that of control group. Conclusion Rho inhibitors have beneficial effects on the recovery of spinal cord injury,and its mechanism should be investigated in the further research.
Journal of Traumatic Surgery