
妊娠中期B超引导下经腹选择性减胎术1例报告 被引量:3

Application of trans-abdominal selective pregnancy reduction in second trimester:a case report
摘要 目的探讨选择性减胎术在妊娠中期应用的安全性与注意事项以及对妊娠结局的影响。方法对1例3胎妊娠孕妇在妊娠14^(+2)周行选择性减胎术。在超声引导下经腹向胎儿心内或胸腔内注入高浓度的氯化钾。结果成功减去1胎,另2胎正常,胎心好。随访显示无流产、早产及妊娠并发症。结论选择性减胎术可成功应用于妊娠中期,但建议应尽早手术,尽量避免并发症的发生。 Objective To investigate the feasibility and complications of selective pregnancy reduction in second-trimester,and its effects on the pregnancy outcome.Methods Selective pregnancy reduction by trans-abdomen was performed on 1 patient with triplets pregnancy during 14^(+2) week gestational age.Ultrasound-guided trans-abdominal intracardiac injection of highly concentrated potassium chloride(KC1) was used.Results The selective feticide of 1 target fetus was successfully performed.The remaining two fetus were found normal with heart beat.Conclusion Multi-fetal pregnancy reduction can be successfully performed in the second trimester without severe fetal and maternal complications;however,earlier intervention was recommended to avoid subsequent complications.
出处 《同济大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 2011年第2期89-91,共3页 Journal of Tongji University(Medical Science)
关键词 妊娠 多胎 妊娠减少 妊娠中期 妊娠结局 multi-fetal pregnancy selective pregnancy reduction second-trimester pregnancy outcome
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