针对电站热工人员进行多种DCS培训的需要,以西屋公司Ovation为基础,以ABB Symphony等DCS的组态环境为研究对象,使用二进制文件分析技术以及C++Builder的二次开发技术开发了通用DCS组态平台与工程转换系统。测试结果表明该平台能够仿真Symphony等多种DCS产品的组态环境,为相关热工培训软件的开发提供了新思路。
To meet different DCS training requirements of thermal staff from different power stations,this paper presents the general DCS configuration platform and project conversion system which is based on Ovation and researched through configuration environments of ABB Symphony,etc.The platform has been built by using the analyzing technology based on binary files and the redeveloped technology of C++Builder.According to the test result,this platform could simulate the Symphony and other several DCS configuration environments,and provides a new idea for thermal training.
Electric Power Science and Engineering