调查 20~35 岁青 年及医院妇 产科医生、药 房营业员、计 划生育干部 对紧急避 孕( E C)的 知识、态度、意愿,从中发现推广 E C 的障碍。对 1 510 名 20~35 岁青年采用描述性流行病学研究方法,进行匿名自填式调查问卷调查;对 161 名 20~30 岁妇女进行 17 组集体访谈和 4 人的个人深入访谈;医院妇产科 10 名医生一组集体访谈和医院医生、计划生育部门、药房营业员 4 人的个人深入访谈的 定性研究。结果:20~35 岁的青年正确使用 E C 方法的不足 1% ,大多数青年对 E C 知识一概不知,医院的医生没有人能正确地掌握 E C 知识、医院药房、医药商店用于紧急避孕的可获得药物缺乏,大多数妇女对 E C药物的安全性有顾虑。认为,目前推广 E C,降低非意愿妊娠有许多困难,应加强 E C 知识的宣教,成立专门的宣传、咨询、服务网络。
Objective: The knowledge, attitude and desire for emergency contraception (EC) were investigated among young people aged 20 to 35, gynecologists in hospital, clerks in drugstore and family planning providers to find out the interference for popularizing EC. Methods: The methods of the descriptive epidemiology, the self a dministered anonymous questionnaires were adopted among 1 510 people aged 20 to 35. 161 women have taken part in the focus group discussions (FGDs) and 4 women individual interviews (IDIs). Ten gynecologists working in hospitals have attended one FGD and 4 women including gynecologists in hospital, clerks in drugstore and family planning providers have attended the individual interviews in this qualitative study. Results: No more than 1% young people aged 20 to 35 years old knew how to use EC correctly. Most of the young people knew nothing about EC. No doctors in hospitals could master the knowledge of EC correctly and the drug for EC was absent in drugstores or in pharmacy of hospitals. Most of the women were concerned about the safety of EC. Conclusion: There are many difficulties to popularize EC in order to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Publicity and education, and to set up a special publicity, counselling and service network should be strengthened.
Journal of Reproductive Medicine