由于综合虚拟专用网(IVPN,Integrated Virtual Private Network)用户话单的蜂窝号排列规则与普通话单不一致,因此这些用户的边界漫游话单不能用普通的方法直接重批处理。通过收集、对比、分析测试话单,然后利用进制转换方法,将话单蜂窝号进行十进制和十六进制互相转换,重新排列组合,分析IVPN用户话单蜂窝号的排列规则,找出基站号和扇区号的编码方式,将其转换成普通话单相同规则的蜂窝号,并对这些话单进行重批,成功解决了IVPN边界漫游问题。
Due to the arrangement rule of cellular ID for CDR of IVPN user different from that for common CDR,the border roaming CDR of IVPN user could not dealt with directly by common billing.This article describes how to successfully resolve the border roaming of IVPN.First some IVPN user CDRs are collected,compared and analyzed,and then the cellular ID each is converted from decimal to hexadecimal system by the number system conversion method.And the cellular ID arrangement rules are analyzed,thus to find the encoding of base station and sector by re-arranging combining them.Then these IVPN CDRs are converted to common CDRs and re-billed.
Communications Technology