目的 探讨一种简单易行的持续恒压快速皮肤软组织扩张术,并将扩张皮肤用于缺损的修复。方法 用普通输液器作注水装置向扩张囊内持续滴注的方法进行恒压无痛持续扩张,并改进了扩张器的注水部分,以使这种滴注扩张方便易行。结果 临床应用15例(共20只扩张器)。术后3~5天开始注水,平均注水时间为10天,注水量为70~230ml,注水结束7~10天后进行扩张皮瓣转移术。皮瓣质量好。激光多普勒成像微循环扫描仪显示注水压力在未达痛阈水平之压力范围内(40~100cmH2O),其微循环与周围对照皮肤无明显变化。结论 持续滴注恒压扩张与常规扩张相比具有:扩张速度快,痛苦少,简单易行,安全可靠的优点。
Objective To research on a simple skin tissue expansion technique and put it into the skin defect repairing.Methods With the use of conventional infusion set and common expander, a new method of continuous and constand pressure soft tissue expansion was put into clinical practice on 15 cases(20 expanders). Result All expansion began from the 3rd~5th day postoperation. The average expansion duration was 10 days, and the volume of instilling water was about 70~230 ml. The second operation was performed 7~10 days after the expansion completed. All cases were achieved wonderful effect without expander exposure or skin necroses. Conclusion This expansion method has safe and reliable rapid tissue expansion with great clinic value.