利用气相色谱和棒状薄层色谱扫描仪对蓝蟹(Callinectes sapidus M.J.Rathbun 1896)抱卵期间卵巢第2次发育过程中的主要脂肪酸和脂类的变化进行研究。结果表明,在蓝蟹抱卵期间卵巢第二次发育过程中,C16:0、C16:1n7、C22:6n3占总脂肪酸的比例随着卵巢指数的增加而增加,并且和卵巢指数之间存在显著相关性(P<0.05);C18:0和C20:4n6(ARA)的比例随着卵巢指数的增加而减少,并且和卵巢指数之间存在显著相关性(P<0.05);C18:1n7、C18:1n9和C20:5n3的比例随着卵巢指数的增加略有减少,和卵巢指数之间不存在显著相关性(P>0.05)。甘油三酯(TG)的比例随着卵巢指数的增加而增加,和卵巢指数之间存在显著相关性(P<0.01);游离脂肪酸(FFA)的比例随着卵巢指数的增加而下降,和卵巢指数之间存在显著相关性(P<0.05);胆固醇(CHO)的含量随着卵巢指数的增加而下降,和卵巢指数之间存在显著相关性(P<0.01);磷脂(PL)的含量随着卵巢指数的增加基本保持不变,和卵巢指数之间不存在相关性(P>0.05)。以上数据可为蓝蟹亲蟹培育的饲料配方提供参考依据。
The aim of this study is to investigate fatty acid and lipid class variation in the ovary of natural spawning blue crab, Callinectes sapidus in the second gonad development. In the trial, 35 crabs' lipid classes were analyzed by Iatroscan TLC/FID and 19 crabs' fatty acids were analyzed by Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph. The changes of main fatty acids and main lipid classes of blue crab in second gonad development were monitored. The main fatty acids were those more than 4% of total fatty acids, and the main lipid classes were those more than 5% of total lipid. There were eight kinds of main fatty acids(C16:0, C16:1n7, C22:6n3, C18:0, C20:4n6, C18:1n7, C18:1n9, C20:5n3) and four kinds of lipid classes(CHO, TG, FFA, PL). The results showed that the percentage of C16:0, C16:1n7, C22:6n3 and TG increased in relation to GSI, and they had significant relationship with GSI(P〈0.05). However, the percentage of C18:0, C20:4n6 and CHO decreased in relation to GSI, and the relativity was significant(P〈0.05). There was no significant evidence that C18:1n7, C18:1n9, C20:5n3 and PL varied in relation to GSI(P〉0.05) except for FFA (P〈0.05). The conclusion obtained by data above is that ARA(C20:an6), CHO and DHA(C22:6n3) are important in gonad development of blue crab. So they should be taken into account in designing feed formulas for parental crabs. The data provided scientific reference for feed formulation for parental blue crabs. Key words: Callinectes saDidus: fattv acids: livid classes: ovarian develonment
Journal of Fishery Sciences of China
Callinectes sapidus
fatty acids
lipid classes
ovarian development