目的观察Schimek法联合睑轮匝肌下移术矫正老年性痉挛性下睑内翻的临床效果。方法 38例(38只眼)老年性痉挛性下睑内翻患者,施行Schimek手术治疗,同时将睑板前轮匝肌束下移固定缝合在下睑板下缘及眶隔膜上,以矫正下睑内翻,所有患者随访6个月以上观察临床疗效。结果 35只眼下睑内翻矫正效果满意;2只眼效果良好;1只眼复发,经再次手术获得满意效果。结论 Schimek法联合睑轮匝肌下移术矫正老年性下睑内翻手术创伤小,恢复快,效果良好。
Objective To observe the clinic effect of schimek method with transposition of palpebra obicularis muscle on senile spastic lower eyelid entropion.Methods 38 cases(38 eyes) of senile spastic lower eyelid entropion were rectified by schimek method and transposition of palpebra obicularis muscle,then followed up over six moths to determine its effect.Results 35 eyes out of 38 eyes were well rectified to criterion of cure.2 eyes out of 38 eyes reached criterion of improvement.Recurrence happened in one eye and were repaired by operation.Conclution Schimek methods with transposition of palpebra obicularis muscle is a good method for senile spastic lower eyelid entropion with good effect,minimal injury and quick recovery.
Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology