目的:观察硬膜外腔注药配合仰卧牵引旋转整复法治疗颈椎病的疗效。方法:将196 例颈椎病患者分为三组, A 组110 例, B 组76 例, C 组10 例。 A、 B 组用中药制剂脉络宁、注射液内加2 % 利多卡因和5 % 碳酸氢钠配制的注射液10 ~15 毫升做硬膜外腔注射。 A 组注药后5 分钟术者在助手的帮助下行仰卧牵引旋转整复法。 C 组硬膜外腔注射利多卡因与生理盐水的混合液10 ~15 ml 。一般每周治疗一次,三次为一疗程。结果:196 例患者经过一疗程的治疗, A 组显效75 例(68 .2 % ) ,有效28 例,无效7 例,总有效率93 .6 % ; B 组显效36 例(47 .4 % ) ,有效29 例,无效11 例,总有效率85 .53 % ; C 组有效5 例(50 .00 % ) ,无效5 例,总有效率50 .00 % 。经统计学处理显效率 A 组与 B 组比较,差异非常显著( P < 0 .01) ;总有效率 A、 B 两组间差异不显著 P > 0 .05 , B 组与 C 组比较差异显著 P < 0 .05 。结论:脉络宁、利多卡因与碳酸氢钠的混合液做硬膜外腔注射治疗颈椎病是一种有效的药物。硬膜外腔注药后进行仰卧牵引旋转整复法能使显效率明显提高。
Objective: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of epidural injection and cervical spine manipulation for cervical spondylosis. Method: 196 cases of cervical spondylosis were divided randomly into 2 groups. Epidural block was used in 76 patient as control group, receiving epidural injection of 10~15ml containing Mai Luo Ning, 2% Lidocaine in 5% NaHCO 3. The treatment group consisted of 110 cases. 5 minute after epidural injection the patient lying on back was given traction and rotation of cervical vertebra. Result: A total of 196 patients of cervical spondylosis were given treatment once a week for 3 weeks. The excellent rate in the control group and in treatment group was found to be 47.4% and 68.2%, respectively (P<0.01). Total effective rate was not significant different between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Epidural block is an effective method for the treatment of cervical spondylosis. Epidural block assisted with cervical spine manipulation increases the clinical efficacy for the treatment of cervical spondylosis.
Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine
Epidural injection
traction Cervical spondylosis