通过对丁型肝炎病毒( H D V) 的放免法检测和巢式 P C R 技术检测,在120 例乙肝病毒感染者中,检测到13 例 H D V 标记阳性( 阳性率为10 .8 % ) ,50 例乙肝病毒携带者,3 例抗 H D V- Ig M 阳性。经对照所得乙肝患者同乙肝病毒携带者的 H D V 阳性差异结果支持 H D V 的存在常伴随着谷丙转氨酶( A L T) 活性上升的观点。实验结果还提示了 H D V 和乙型肝炎病毒( H B V) 重叠感染易发生重症或慢性肝炎。并对 H D V 的检测方法进行了比较和研究。
Hepatitis delta virus was detected by RIA and nested-PCR method in 120 patients who were infected with hepatitis B virus. The detection rate of HDV-RNA was 10.8%.The experiments showed that HDV superinfection associated with high ALT levels and HBV infection. And the studies suggested that cross infection of HDV and HBV should be in horizontal and longitudinal patients with high level. We also compared the detection method RIA with nested-PCR and cloned the PCR products.NDA sequence analysis data showed that the sequence of nested-PCR products were HDV-RNA data.
Labeled Immunoassays and Clinical Medicine