
复方盐酸阿替卡因注射液短针头行下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉的临床应用 被引量:2

Short needle injection of primacaine for inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia
摘要 目的探讨短针头旋转滑行法注射复方盐酸阿替卡因注射液进行下齿槽神经阻滞麻醉的效果。方法选择需拔除下颌中位水平阻生智齿的患者200例,完全随机分为试验组和对照组,各100例。试验组采用复方盐酸阿替卡因注射液短针头旋转滑行法进行麻醉,对照组采用复方盐酸阿替卡因注射液长针头直接麻醉法进行麻醉。比较2组患者回抽有血情况、麻醉显效时间、麻醉效果及并发症等。结果试验组0~2min显效率优于对照组[49.0%(49例)比31.0%(31例),P〈0.05]。对照组注射麻醉药前有9例回抽有血,试验组无回抽有血病例,旋转滑行法优于直接麻醉法。结论使用盐酸阿替卡因注射液短针头旋转滑行法进行下齿槽神经阻滞麻醉可减少注射时疼痛,消除患者的紧张隋绪,提高麻醉成功率,降低回抽有血阳性率,可替代传统直接麻醉方法。 Objective To observe short needle injection of primacaine with rotary sliding method for inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia. Methods Totally 200 patients who had the median mesial horizontal mandibular impacted wisdom teeth removed were randomly divided into two groups: experimental group and control group, with 100 patients in each group. Halstead method and rotary sliding method were used respectively for anesthesia. Experimental group was treated with short needle injection of primacaine with rotary sliding method; control group had a long needle injection of primacaine with Halstead method. Results Zero to two minutes effect in the test group was higher than that in the control group. Nine patients of control group had withdrawing blood before the injection and no patients of experimental group had withdrawing blood. Condusion Short needle injection of primacaine for inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia can reduce pain on injection, eliminate tension and improve the success rate of anesthesia.
出处 《中国医药》 2011年第6期742-743,共2页 China Medicine
关键词 阿替卡因 短针头 下牙槽神经阻滞麻醉 Primacalne Short needles Inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia
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