
哈马斯的自杀性袭击探微 被引量:1

On Hamas’ Suicide Attacks
摘要 哈马斯的自杀性袭击者主要是青年男性。主要动机有:为个人报仇、宗教献身、报复以色列的行动、反对巴以和谈等。哈马斯发动自杀性袭击,有复杂的社会原因:首先,巴勒斯坦人的悲惨遭遇,成为滋生自杀性袭击者的温床;其次,巴勒斯坦人对自杀性袭击的高度认同,为哈马斯的自杀性袭击提供了深厚的民意基础;再次,对和平进程的失望,使巴勒斯坦人转向暴力;最后是宗教因素。哈马斯的自杀性袭击,导致巴以陷入以暴抑暴的恶性循环之中,但加强了哈马斯作为抵抗组织引领者的地位;促使巴勒斯坦殉难文化流行,激励着许多巴勒斯坦人走上自我牺牲之路。哈马斯等其他巴勒斯坦派别的自杀性袭击难以根除,其根源还在于巴勒斯坦人对现实的绝望与巴勒斯坦问题的久拖不决。 The main body of the Hamas’ suicide attackers was young men. There were various motivations for the suicide attacks. There were four social factors for Hamas’ suicide attacks. Firstly, the miserable experiences of Palestinian became a hotbed of the suicide attackers. Secondly, the strong identity of the Palestinian to suicide attacks provided deep public bases for Hamas’ suicide attacks. Thirdly, the Palestinian turned to violence as a resort of the despair of the Palestinian-Israeli peace process. Finally, the Hamas’ suicide attacks had a lot of religious factors. The Hamas’ suicide attack caused two effects. One is that it caused the Palestinian and Israeli to fall into a vicious circle of 'violence to violence', but it strengthened the Hamas’ leader position as a resistant organization. Another is that it caused the martyrdom culture to become popular in Palestine and inspired many Palestinians to join the suicide attacks. In conclusion, the roots of the suicide attacks of Hamas and other Palestinian groups are the Palestinian despaired of the status quo and the Palestine Question has not been revolved.
作者 陈天社
出处 《西亚非洲》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期55-63,80,共9页 West Asia and Africa
基金 笔者主持的国家社科基金项目<哈马斯的社会基础与影响研究>(批准号:10BSS019)的阶段性成果
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  • 2Naim Ateek, "Suicide Bombers : What Is Theologically and Morally Wrong with Suicide Bombing? A Palestinian Christian Perspec- tive", Studies in World Christianity, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2002, p. 12.
  • 3Claudia Brunner, "Female Suicide Bombers--Male Suicide Bombing? Looking for Gender in Reporting the Suicide Bombings of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict", Global Society, Vol. 19, No. 1, Jan. 2005, p. 29.
  • 4Minna Saarnivaara, "Suicide Campaigns as a Strategic Choice : The Case of Hamas", Policing, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2008, p. 426.
  • 5Roger Tansey, "A Legal Analysis of Suicide Bombing: Blowing up the Law of War?", Kennedy School Review, Vol. 5, 2004, p. 47.
  • 6Aaron Clauset, Lindsay Heger, Maxwell Young and Kristian Skrede Gleditsch, "The Strategic Calculus of Terrorism: Substitution and Competition in Israel Palestine Conflict", Cooperation and Conflict, Vol. 45, No. 6, 2010, p. 13.
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  • 8Roger Tansey, "A Legal Analysis of Suicide Bombing: Blowing up the Law of War?", Kennedy School Review, Vol. 5, 2004, p. 63.
  • 9Hilal Khashan, "Collective Palestinian Frustration and Suicide Bombings", Third World Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 6, 2003, p. 1 056.
  • 10Claudia Brunner, "Female Suicide Bombers--Male Suicide Bombing? Looking for Gender in Reporting the Suicide Bombings of the Israeli - Palestinian Conflict", Global Society, Vol. 19, No. 1, Jan. 2005, p. 30.


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