
微型营养评定法在维持性血液透析患者中的应用 被引量:4

The use of mini nutritional assessment in the patients of maintanance hemodialysis
摘要 目的:尝试用新型微型营养评定(MNA)方法筛查维持性血液透析患者营养不良风险的发生率。方法:取该院诊断明确的维持性血液透析患者53例,按MNA得分分为营养不良及营养不良危险组(A组)和营养状况正常组(B组),并分别记录人体测量、人体组成、生化指标的情况。结果:A组与B组的人体测量指标和人体组成比较均有显著差异(P<0.05),分别为体重指数(BMI)[(20.7±2.2)kg/m2 vs(23.5±3.0)kg/m2]、肱三头肌皮褶厚度(TSF)[(4.7±1.6)cmvs(5.9±1.6)cm]、上臂围(AC)[(25.3±2.0)cm vs(27.2±2.3)cm]、小腿围(CC)[(33.1±2.2)cm vs(34.5±2.1)cm]、非脂肪组织(FFM)[(45.1±7.3)kg vs(49.8±8.0)kg]、脂肪组织(FM)[(10.8±4.6)kg vs(14.2±4.7)kg],但生化指标(血清白蛋白、肌酐、尿素氮、血红蛋白、三酰甘油、总胆固醇)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:MNA法与各项人体测量及人体组成指标相关性良好,可结合实验室生化指标综合评价维持性血液透析患者营养状况。 Objective: To find out the morbidity of maintanance hemodialysis patients′ risk of malnutrition by means of MNA and analyze the consistency between traditional index and MNA score.Methods: According to the score of MNA,53 maintanance hemodialysis patients were divided into two groups,group A(malnutrition and malnutrition risk),group B(well nourished).The records included anthropometry,body composition,as well as biochemical markers.Results: There were significant differences on anthropometry and body composition between two groups(P0.05),BMI[(20.7±2.2) kg/m2 vs(23.5±3.0) kg/m2],TSF[(4.7±1.6) cm vs(5.9±1.6) cm,AC[(25.3±2.0) cm vs(27.2±2.3) cm],CC[(33.1±2.2) cm vs(34.5±2.1) cm,FFM[(45.1±7.3) kg vs(49.8±8.0) kg],FM[(10.8±4.6) kg vs(14.2±4.7) kg],there was no significant difference on the biochemical indicator(serum albumin,creatinine,usea nitrogen,hemoglobin,triacylglycerol,total cholesterol) in the two groups(P0.05).Conclusion: MNA is a good method that can be used to evaluate the nutritional state in maintanance hemodialysis patients.
出处 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2011年第16期54-55,59,共3页 China Medical Herald
关键词 微型营养评定法 营养不良 维持性血液透析 Mini nutritional assessment Malnutrition Maintanance hemodialysis
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