决定大区电网以直流互联的主要优点在于,两交流电网可以非同步运行;两网可以互相隔离,不传送短路功率,有利于再发展;大区之间的周边联网问题,一般都是较小容量的效益型联网,可以因地制宜,选择不同联网方式;采用或者有可能采用背靠背换流站时,需要考虑中长期规划;直流输电可以取代特高压交流输电方式,问题在于特高压的技术难点难以解决;与西北联网及其内部更高一级电压等级采用500 k V 问题;展望 21 世纪电网发展的新技术;全国电网大面积互联的逐步形成。
Meritorious factors of interconnecting regional power systems by HVDC: Two AC networks operating at non synchronism, no short circuit power transmitted between two AC circuits, for the benefit of further system development;Low power, short distance interconnection near the borders may select either AC or DC;Back to back DC transmission should be designed according to long term system planning; DC transmission will be used instead extra high voltage transmission;Voltage levels within north west power system and its interconnections with the outside regional power systems;The development of power system new technique in next century should be considered;Nation wide interconnection will be formed up step by step, according to long term system planning.
Power System Technology