植物分类学是一门历史悠久的学科.解放前,孔宪武教授就指导兰大植物分类学研究,张鹏云在甘肃、青海等地采集过植物标本.新中国建立后,植专师生参加了各种调查队,调查和采集了甘肃及邻近地区的植物标本共 15 万份,编写了《甘肃陇南地区种子植物名录》等 10 多本;对重要的经济植物如野麻、甘草、吴茱萸、甘肃贝母等作了专题研究,参与编写了《甘肃中草药手册》、《西北油脂植物》等专著;对白花丹科、柽柳科进行了专科、专属研究;参与编写和出版了中国植物志和高等植物图鉴的有关卷册;对洮河流域、白水江、兴隆山等地区的植物区系进行了研究.在现代植物分类学方面结合孢粉学、细胞学、生化、植化等学科的知识,并应用电镜和计算机技术对重要经济植物进行了研究,发表了不少论文,特别是开展了甘肃贝母复合群的物种生物学研究.展望未来,我们要继续深入调查甘肃的植物资源,搞好甘肃植物志的编研和植物区系的研究,利用现代科学方法,特别是分子生物学方法重点研究甘肃珍稀、濒危和特有植物以及经济价值较高的植物.
Plant taxonomy is a science of long standing in Lanzhou University, before the establishment of PRC, the Department of Botany in this university had carried on the work guided by professor Kong Xianwu. Mr. Zhang Pengyun collected plant samples in provinces Gansu and Qinghai. After the founding of peoples Republic of China, the teachers and students of the specialty of Botany, while taking part in various investigation teams, investigating and collecting more than 150 000 plant samples from Gansu and other regions, complied more than ten books such as “An Enumeration of Seed Plants of Lungnan Region in Gansu”. They made a specialized study on economic plants such as Apocynum,Glycyrrhiza,Evadia rutaecarpa,Fritillaria przewalskii. they joined in compiling monographs like 'Handbook of Chinese Tradition and Herbal Drags' and 'Dily plants of North west China', and the relevant volumes of 'Flora of Republica pupularis Sinicae' and 'Iconographia Crmophytorum Sinicorum'. They studied on the spermatophytic flora in Taohe river basin, Baishuijiang and Xinglongshan naturel reserves. In the field of modern plant taxonomy, by combining the relative knowledge of palynology, cytology, biochemistry, phytochemistry and applying electron scanning and computer techniques, they made specialized studies on important economic plants and published lots of articles. Especially they made considerable achievements in the study of Fritillaria przewelskii compel biosystematics.Looking forward to the future, We will go on with the investigation continue the study of Gansu plant resources and make a good job on the compilation of Flora of Gansu and on the study of floristics of Gansu. By utilizing modern technics especially the molecular biological method, we will put stress on precious, rare, endangered and endemic plants in Gansu.
Journal of Lanzhou University(Natural Sciences)