针对某重型卡车行驶至70 km/h附近时存在严重异常振动现象,本文阐述了轮胎均匀性各项指标及影响因素,并通过道路试验的方法,得到了车辆在装配不同均匀性等级轮胎状态下,各车速驾驶室地板位置的加权加速度均方根值,结果表明,轮胎均匀性对汽车行驶平顺性的影响较为明显。本文为汽车整车及轮胎的匹配设计提供了依据,也为解决卡车异常振动问题提供了方向。
Aiming for Vibration of some heavy truck in the course of traveling nearly to 70 km/h,To solve this problem,in this paper,we mainly studied the non-uniformity of the tire and the factors which influence the uniformity.Through road testing of vehicles,we obtained weighted acceleration RMS of cab's floor while assembling different uniformity grade tire and drove with different speed.The result is that vehicle ride comfort was serious influenced by assembling different uniformity grade tire.This paper provides a basis for vehicle and tire matching and provides a method to solve truck abnormal vibration.
Auto Sci-Tech