参照美国药典 X XⅢ版及中国药典1995 年版二部细菌内毒素检查法中干扰试验的基本原理,对注射用盐酸大观霉素 Spectinom ycin Hydrochloride for Injection (简称 S P)进行了细菌内毒素检查法的研究,实验结果表明,浓度为1.88u/m l的样品溶液对鲎试验不存在干扰因素。
According to the principle of interference test in Bacterial Endotoxin in U S P23rd edition and Chinese Pharm acopoeia 1995, Spectinom ycin Hydrochloride w as stud ied w ith bacterialendotoxin test using L A L m ethod. The results show ed that there w as nointerference factor on 0.125 E U/m l La L in concentration of 1.88u/m l. In conclusion, L A Lm ethod w ould be usefulin pyrogen testof spectinom ycin hydrochloride for injection.
Journal of Suzhou Railway Teachers College(Natural Science Edition)