目的:将磁免疫分离技术(immunomagnetic separation,IMS)与显色培养(chromogenic media,Ch)和荧光定量(Re-al-time,R-t)PCR技术结合建立快速检测肉制品中EHECO157:H7的方法。方法:应用四种快速检测方法检测模拟样品和423份肉制品中的EHECO157:H7,比较不同方法的灵敏度和特异度。结果:IMS-Ch法特异性最好,24 h对目标菌含量1-5 CFU/10 g的样品检出率为95%。IMS-PCR对实际样品检测效果评价的尤等指数最高。结论:IMS-PCR是一种可信的快速筛选方法,IMS-Ch法为灵敏、快速的确证方法。
Objective:To develop a method for the rapid detection of EHECO157:H7,Immunomagnetic separation technique were carried out to capture pathogens and extract DNA,this assay combined with fluorescence PCR and chromogenic media technique.Methods: Four methods in rapid detection were used to detcect EHECO157:H7 strain in meat products,the sensitivity and specificity was evaluated and compared.Results: It was demonstrated that IMS-Ch assay was proved to be 100% specific.When the bacteria concentration was as low as 1-5 CFU/10 g in simulated samples,95% positive rate of EHECO157:H7 was obtained by IMS-Ch assay.However,the Youden′s Index of IMS-PCR assay 95%.Conclusion: It is evident that IMS-PCR assay is a new approach for the rapid and correct detection in food,and IMS-Ch assay is a more sensitive and rapid confimatinal method.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology