
云浮市2010年流行性感冒病原学监测结果分析 被引量:2

Analysis on the surveillance results of influenza virus in yunfu city in 2010
摘要 目的:对云浮市2010年流感病毒进行病原学监测,分析云浮市流行性感冒(流感)的流行特征,总结流行规律,为预防和控制流感提供科学依据。方法:每周采集监测哨点医院、学校流感样病人的鼻咽拭子标本,采用Real time-PCR法检测流感病毒核酸;并用MDCK细胞进行病毒分离,流感病毒亚型鉴定采用血凝抑制试验和(或)Real time-PCR方法。结果:2010年共采集鼻咽拭子标本2823份,流感病毒核酸阳性267份,检出率为9.5%;其中B型106份,A1(H1N1)季节性的4份,A3(H3N2)127份,A1(H1N1)大流行的的30份,分别占总检出数的39.7%、1.5%、47.6%和11.2%;病毒检出高峰出现在4月-9月;B、A1(H1N1)季节性的、A3(H3N2)三种型别在0岁~15岁少年儿童中分布最多,而A1(H1N1)大流行的在0~和25~岁组人群中占的比例最多。结论:流感病例中A1(H1N1)大流行的、A1(H1N1)季节性的、B型和A3(H3N2)交替出现,上半年以B型(Victoria系)流感病毒为流行优势株,下半年则以A3(H3N2)亚型流感病毒为流行优势株。应密切注意流感活动情况,加强监测,及时发现病毒的变异情况。 Objective:To start the epidemical regulation of the influenza in yunfu city in 2010,To investigate the prevalence of influenza and summarize the regulation of influenza activity so as to provide scientific bases for the prevention and control of disease.Methods: Throat swab specimens were collected from influenza-like cases of surveillance hospital and school very week,The nucleic acids of influenza viruses were detected by Real time PCR.Influenza viruses were isolated by MDCK cells,and Subtypes were identified by HI test or RT-PCR.Results: During 2010,a total of 2823 throat swab specimens were collected,with 441 cases identified as influenza viruses positive.The rate of detected was 9.5%.Of the 267 cases,106(39.7%) were influenza B,4(1.5%) were influenza seasonal A1(H1N1),127(47.6%) were influenza A3(H3N2),30(11.2%) were influenza pandemic A1(H1N1) virus.The peak of virus detection was from April to October.Influenza B virus and influenza A3(H3N2) virus were respective strengths from July to September.The age distribution of influenza A subtype seasonal A1(H1N1) and A3(H3N2) as well as influenza B showed the peak appeared in age 0~15,while influenza pandemic A1(H1N1) virus in age 0~ and 25~.Conclusion: The four types of influenza viruses alternated in 2010.B type Victoria series influenza virus was epidemical main strains in the first half of the year.The activity of B type Victoria series influenza has been remarkably weakened,A3(H3N2) subtype influenza virus was epidemical main strains In the second half of the year.More attention should be paid to the activity and variation of the influenza virus.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2011年第5期1250-1251,1287,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
关键词 流感病毒 监测 分析 Influenza virus Surveillance Analysis
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