目的:探讨 "信那水"致中毒性脑病的临床表现及影像学特点.方法:回顾性分析4 例 "信那水"致中毒性脑病患者临床表现及CT 和MRI 资料.结果:患者以头晕、记忆力下降、共济失调为主要临床表现;影像学提示脑内弥漫性病灶,白质受累为主.结论:结合接触史、中枢神经症状及影像学表现,可诊断"信那水"致中毒性脑病.
Objective:To explore the clinical manifestations and imaging characteristics of eneephalopathy caused by working environmental exposure to Thiner water. Methods In a retrospective study we analyzed the clinical manifestations and CT as well as MRI data of 4 patients with encepha- lopathy caused by working environmental exposure to Thiner water. Results The main clinical manifestations ot'4 patients included dizziness, nausea, vomiting, memory loss and ataxia. The imaging characterized as diffuse brain lesions which were distributed broadly and symmetrically, mainly invol- ving the white matter. Conclusion Thiner encephalopathy can be diagnosed according to the history of working enviromental exposure to toxicants, central nervous symptoms, and CT as well as MRI characteristics.