The word "yin tire" was lew mentioned before din and Yuan Dynasty in TCM literature, but was appeared repeatedly and emphasized its importance in the literature of Li Gao who was one of the "four famous physicians in the Jin and Yuan Dynasty". The word in literature was discussed uncertainty and the content included was complicated, so physicians in past dynasties had their own opinions in specific meaning and its origin. From reading and analyzing literature related to it, we think the origin of yin fire has close relationship with qi activity of spleen and stomach lose bal- ance of ascending and descending which is caused by declination of primordial qi and deficiency of qi of spleen and stomach, so we should turn to nor- mal of qi ascending and descending of spleen and stomach when invigorate primordial qi and qi of the spleen and stomach in therapy. This paper is written to discuss the meaning and origin of yin fire from this perspective and your comments and suggestions are welcome.
Li Gao
yiix fire
primordial qi
qi activities of spleen and stomach