目的 探讨血小板平均体积(MPV)变化与急性胰腺炎(SAP)病情发展的相关性.方法 用血细胞分析仪测定血小板平均体积,并分析MPV与SAP病情严重程度之间的关系及应用醋酸奥曲肽(SS)联合重组人生长激素(GH)治疗后对其的影响.结果 入院时轻型患者外周血MPV与对照组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),重症患者MPV显著高于轻型患者(P<0.05);GH组治疗后APACHEⅡ积分和MPV均明显低于SS组及对照组(P<0.05).结论 血小板平均体积变化能反映AP病情的变化,可帮助判断预后与指导治疗.
Objective To study the relationship between mean platelet volume(MPV)and severity of acute pancreatitis.Methods MPV was examined by hematology analyzer.Relationship between MPV and the severity of acute pancreatitis and the effect of sandostatin on MPV in acute pancreatitis were analyzed.Results The MPV of severe acute pancrcatitis was significantly higher than that of controls(P<0.05),whereas the MPV of mild acute pancreafitis was not(P>0.05).The APACHE Ⅱ Score and MPV of GH group was significantly lower than that of SS group and control(P<0.05).Conclusion The MPV could reflect the severity of acute pancreatitis,evaluate the prognosis of acute pancreatitis.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy