
一株马鼻疽诺卡菌临床分离株的鉴定 被引量:2

Identification of Nocardia farcinica isolated from clinical strains
摘要 目的应用基因测序分析进行诺卡菌(Nocardia farcinica)鉴定。方法将临床分离菌株BJ7菌株与诺卡菌标准参照菌株AY756551和结核分枝杆菌H37Rv接种L-J、PNB/TCH鉴别培养基。用生长良好的培养物提取全基因组DNA。设计引物,对rpoB、16S rDNA基因片段进行PCR扩增,对其PCR产物进行测序和网上同源性比对。结果 PNB/TCH鉴别培养基鉴定BJ7为非结核分枝杆菌,进化树中BJ7 16S rDNA序列亲缘关系与诺卡菌标准参照菌株AY756551比较相近,且16S rDNA和rpoBDNA序列与马鼻疽诺卡菌同源性极高,分别达到100%和99%。结论从结核病患者分离的菌株BJ7为马鼻疽诺卡菌。DNA测序分析能够快速、简便、准确地鉴定诺卡菌。 To identify the species of Nocardia(N.) clinical isolates by DNA sequencing,BJ7 isolated from sputum of a patient suspected with tuberculosis,N.farcinica AY756551 and Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv were used in this study.The identification on the strain was done based on culturing with L-J,PNB/TCH media and molecular biology methods.The special fragments of rpoB and 16S rDNA gene were amplified by PCR.The PCR amplification products of rpoB and 16S rDNA genes were sequenced and the DNA sequences were blasted on NCBI.The results of morphological characteristics and PNB/TCH medium showed that BJ7 was Non-tuberculosis Mycobacterium(NTM).The DNA homology of rpoB and 16S rDNA genes of BJ7 compared with that of AY756551 were 99% and 100% respectively.The results showed that the clinical isolate BJ7 was N.farcinica.It shows that sequencing analysis is a rapid and reliable method for Nocardia.spp species identification.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期411-413,417,共4页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.30800029) 国家“十一五”重大传染病防治科技重大专项“结核病传播模式研究”(2008ZX100/03-010-02)联合资助
关键词 非结核分枝杆菌 马鼻疽诺卡菌 菌种鉴定 测序分析 Non-tuberculosis Mycobacterium Nocardia farcinica species identification sequencing analysis
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