梅赛德斯-奔驰卡车(中国)在2011上海国际车展上,展出了包括梅赛德斯-奔驰旗舰车型Actros 2644、Actros 4060SLT大件运输车,以及在2010汉诺威国际商用车展上首次展出并在亚洲首发的ActrosBlackLiner全球限量版牵引车等3款重量级牵引车产品.
This is an interview of Mr. Robert Frederick Veit,Vice President, Mercedes-Benz Trucks China who was newly appointed as Vice President, Mercedes-Benz Trucks China last Sept. Mr. Robert was fully confidence and expectation of China market.For example, Mercedes-Benz tractor, and refitting chassis as well as Unimog had been granted the certification and allowed to be sold in China.
Commercial Vehicle