为了解决饲料中FeSO_4XH_2O对维生素A的严重影响问题,作者采用多种包被物质对FeSO_47H_2O进行包被处理。通过大量实验,筛选出了较为理想的“包被剂Ⅰ”和“包被剂Ⅱ”,用这两种包被剂包被FeSO_47H_2O(未脱结晶水)制成了饲用铁原新产品Ⅰ、产品Ⅱ。在40℃条件下存贮30 b后,产品Ⅰ、产品Ⅱ分别使V-A保留98.68%和100.01%,使亚铁离子Fe^(2+)保留99.46%和99.87%;而未经包被处理的FeSO_47H_2O则在相同条件下,V-A和Fe^(2+)仅留存0.20%和37.89%。经过实验比较。产品Ⅰ、产品Ⅱ皆优于美国、日本、意大利等国的同类饲用FeSO_47H_2O产品。
In order to avoid the effects of ferrous sulphates on the biological availability of Vitamins A in feeds, various coating substances used to coat ferrous sulphates were investigated. Upon the large number of experiments. Coating Agent 1 and Coating Agent 2 were determined as the best coating substances. The both of Coating Agents were sepre ately used to coat ferrous sulphate, and so the coated ferrous sulphate product 1 and product 2 were brought out. After the samples were stored 30 days at 40 degrees centigrades, Product Ⅰ allowed about 98.68% more retention of Vitamins A and 99.46& more retention of ferrous sulphates as compared with uncoated ferrous sulphated. The product Ⅱ did as well as the product Ⅰ. Compared with the saemferrous sulphates feed products made in USA, Japan and Italy, Product Ⅰ and Product Ⅱ were much better.
Coating agent
Chemical stability