
无线通信非线性失真仿真器的设计与实现 被引量:1

Design and implementation of a simulator for wireless communication nonlinear distortion
摘要 航空航天领域应用的通信系统由于发射功率和频谱利用率较高,需要考虑功率放大器非线性失真的干扰.已进行的大量研究,主要围绕功放非线性失真的模型描述和线性化方法.从测试角度出发,设计一种用于测试无线通信中抗失真干扰的能力的功放非线性失真仿真器,测试自适应预失真系统的工作性能,以及在指定功放条件下开发通信系统.此仿真器基于现有功放非线性失真模型,在数字信号处理器件中采用CORDIC(Coordinate RotationDigital Computer)流水线和LUT(Look-Up-Table)方式实现了失真模型的AM-AM和AM-PM变换.软件仿真及硬件输出结果显示,此仿真器实现了非线性模型描述的失真效果,验证了设计的可行性. The non-linear distortion should be considered in aeronautics and astronautics communication applications due to high spectrum utilization and power efficiency.Numerous studies have been carried out on the non-linear distortion modeling and linearization of power amplifier.A design of nonlinear distortion simulator was presented.The simulator can be used in testing on anti-aliasing capabilities of wireless communication,testing on adaptive pre-distortion performance and providing specified amplifier conditions of communication systems.The coordinate rotation digital computer(CORDIC) pipeline and look-up-table(LUT) structure were utilized to realize the AM-AM and AM-PM conversion of amplifier in digital signal processing devices inside the emulator.Simulation and experiment results demonstrate the validity and feasibility of the design.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期528-533,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
基金 北京市教育委员会共建项目专项资助
关键词 功率放大器 非线性失真 仿真器 测试 amplifiers nonlinear distortion simulators testing
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