
新型三自由度并联机床概念设计与运动分析 被引量:1

Configuration Design and Kinematics Analysis of a New 3-DOF Parallel Machine Tool
摘要 根据螺旋理论系统分析了U*机构的运动特点,并提出了一种能实现三维移动的2PTS-PU*并联机床。利用坐标变换法建立了该并联机床的位置和速度解析方程,有8组显式的位置正解和反解,并推导出了机床的正、逆雅克比矩阵。 According to the theory of screw,the moving characteristic of the U*machine is analyzed.One type of spatial new 3-DOF parallel machine tool is proposed,its platform has only three translations.The position and velocity analytic equation are constructed based on the coordinate transformation,it has eight positive and reverse positional solution,the forward and the inverse Jacobian matrix of the parallel machine tool is deduced.
出处 《科学技术与工程》 2011年第14期3290-3294,共5页 Science Technology and Engineering
关键词 螺旋理论 并联机床 位置正解 位置反解 雅克比矩阵 theory of screw parallel machine tool positive positional solution reverse positional solution jacobian matrix
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