
高次谐波开槽潘尼管中的电子轨道研究 被引量:1

Electron Trajectories in High-Harmonic Slotted Peniotron
摘要 利用自洽非线性理论研究了8 mm 3次回旋谐波开槽潘尼管注波互作用。首先,明确地揭示了在高次回旋谐波开槽潘尼管中,电子回旋谐波次数,高频场分布,决定了不同初始相位电子的电子能量分布以及引导中心漂移规律,指出当回旋半径减小,引导中心偏移达到一定程度时,谐振条件被破坏限制了高次谐波潘尼管效率的提高,并提出了通过优化磁场分布提高效率。最后,进一步研究了电子纵向速度离散、偏心和电流大小等因素对互作用效率的影响,表明在实验可达到的电子注质量下,研制实用的高效高次谐波潘尼管是可行的。 Here we addressed the beam-wave interaction in the 8 mm band,third harmonic,slotted peniotron with nonlinear self-consistence theory.Three calculated results may be of basic and technological interest.First,the harmonic order and distribution of RF-field in the peniotron determine the kinetic energy and guiding-center spread of the electrons with different initial phases.Second,a reduction of the gyration radius leads to a serious guiding center deviation,which in turn may ruin the resonance condition,and inversely affects the efficiency.A novel way was proposed to solve this problem.Last,a high-efficiency,high-harmonic peniotron with the best electron beam available can be developed via theoretical study of the impacts of the factors,including the electrons'axial velocity spreading,guiding center deviation and beam current,on the electron efficiency
出处 《真空科学与技术学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期297-304,共8页 Chinese Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(批准号:60971035)
关键词 高次谐波 回旋谐波潘尼管 自洽非线性理论 效率 High-harmonic Third-harmonic slotted peniotron Nonlinear self-consistent theory Efficiency
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